How to Untangle a Necklace

What's the best way to untangle necklaces?
We’re hoping you’re reading this because you’re one of those curious people who likes to solve problems. And you haven’t just searched “how to untangle a necklace” because your precious necklaces are looking more tangled than the headphone cords at the bottom of your gym bag?
Because argh! We feel your pain. Let’s face it, untangling necklaces that have somehow ended up with multiple knots or tangled together is a real test of patience. Not to mention steady hands and some spare time! And why do they always seem to get tangled when you’re in a rush to get out the door?
But don’t worry, we have tricks of the trade that will get you out of your knotty situation and show you the best way to untangle a necklace.

Our Untangling Necklaces Hacks
First things first, take a breath. We’ve got this OK? The last thing you want to do is rush the process or apply too much force as you could cause the necklace to kink, or even break. And that’s the last thing we want.
Now, sit down in a well-lit room and place your tangled necklace or necklaces on a flat surface. Even better if it’s a light surface so that you can see the necklace really clearly. If the necklace is clasped, unclasp it so that the ends are open and then gently spread it out so you can get a good idea of what you’re dealing with. It might be that you can see the tangling and you can gently release it, but if it looks like there’s tight knots, don’t pull on them as that might make it worse.
Can jewellers untangle necklaces?
If we’re dealing with the worst-case scenario and the knots look like something even Houdini couldn’t get out of, then our best advice is to gently wrap up the chain and bring it into your nearest Hoskings' store where the experts will fix it for you!
How to untangle a necklace using a pin
If the knot is not too tight, and you can see how it can be untangled, but you can’t release the knot gently apart using your fingers, then a sewing pin or needle is the answer! Just gently insert the pin directly into the centre of the knot making sure you do not put the pin inside a link. Then slowly and gently wiggle it until the knot loosens. You can make like a surgeon and use two pins to gently unravel the chains. Just be careful not to use too much force. If it feels like the knots are still not budging, keep reading for some more suggestions.
Asking for a friend... what's the easiest way to untangle a necklace if I’ve got butterfingers?
If you’re anything like “my friend” and the idea of trying to untangle a necklace for 5 minutes sounds like torture, then we have another solution. This one requires far less dexterity as we’ll get something else to do all the work for you!
This time, instead of spreading the necklace out on a flat surface, gently place it in something like a plastic takeaway container, or a small lunchbox with just enough water to covered the necklace. And now for the hands-off-hack... place the dish on top of your washing machine and turn on a spin cycle. The vibrations should start to loosen the knots within a few minutes. Then it’s just a matter of rubbing the knot gently in between your fingers to untangle it. Ta da!
The crazy hacks you'll find online to untangle necklaces
If you’re here because you’ve done a Google search, we’re so glad you found us first! Because, like a lot of things, asking Dr Google for advice on fixing a tangled necklace can mean you’ll find all kinds of crazy ideas. We’ve had people bring their lovely gold necklaces in covered in oil and baby powder because they’d read somewhere it might help to untangle their knotted chains. Our advice is, if our hacks don’t work, then let us fix your chain for you. Our ninja jewellers will unknot your necklace and have it looking as good as new before you know it!
How to prevent necklaces from tangling
It would be remiss of us if we didn’t follow these tips up with a couple of suggestions to stop your necklaces from becoming tangled again. After all, prevention is always better than cure.
When you’re wearing your necklaces, there are some simple things you can do to prevent tangling. We suggest you mix up the style of necklaces you’re wearing, so they have different chains, different weights, and different lengths. The ideal combination is to start with the most delicate chain and place the chunkier and heavier and longer ones on top. Plus, it looks really stunning layered like that!
Our new range of Fossil Jewellery is perfect for layering or mix and match and layer this beautiful Swarovski necklace with a fine rhodium-plated chain with a Von Treskow Czelline opal necklace with a sterling silver fine ball chain over the top. And for even more bling, add this stunning Von Treskow silver curb chain necklace. You get a stunning boho look and are actively doing your best to prevent your necklaces from tangling. Win win!
If you can, it’s best to store necklaces hanging from a jewellery tree or from pins on a cork board. Better still choose a jewellery box with separate compartments for each necklace like this white wooden jewellery box with a lift out compartment tray and hooks.

Hope these tips have helped you learn a few easy ways to untangle necklaces
We’re hoping that the tips we’ve shared on how to untangle a necklace will assist you with any minor knotty dramas. But, if these don’t seem to be helping, then the safest approach will always be to ask an expert for help. And we’d be more than happy to! Just bring it with you when you’re next visiting us in store. You’ll find a full list of our Hoskings Store locations here.
If you’d like more help, you can call our customer service team for VIC/ NSW/ QLD & TAS here 1800 819 796. Or call (08) 8981 8895 if you’re in NT/WA or SA.
Written by Niamh Hislop
Cover image: Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash